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2018.08.18 - Annual Meeting Minutes

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Welcome and Introductions:

The Lake View Pointe Owners’ Annual Meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM on August 18, 2018 by Lake View Pointe Owners’ Association’s President Eric Fensterer. Eric Fensterer welcomed everyone and introduced the current Board members (John Hamel, David Mugrage and Eric Fensterer).

Eric Fensterer stated that a quorum was established and declared the meeting official.

Voting Process:

Eric Fensterer stated that the nomination committee did not have a list of nominees, therefore Eric asked for nominations from the floor and John Hamel was nominated.

Motionwas made and approved to extend the board members as is.

Motion was made and approved for the dues to stay the same.

Motionwas made and approved for a monthly road clean up at a cost of $1,800 per year.

Motionwas made and approved to change architectural approval requirement from $500 to $2,500.

Community Update:

There was discussion to have the monthly road clean crew up pick up limbs and yard waste for homeowners each month. Eric Fenester agreed to check on a price for yard waste pick up as well as an estimate for landscaping along Lake Club Drive and post it on the website.

Lake Club Drive repair and resurfacing was discussed, and George Green recommended a board member present a recommendation for road/ditch repair to the Marion Lake Club to share in the cost of the needed repairs. David Mugrage has been in discussion with Marion Lake club on road maintenance and will follow up.

The contact list was passed around for updates and notation made for anyone not having an outside water cutoff.

Eric Reviewed Lake James rules about not dumping grass, leaves, limbs in the lake.

The “No Wake” buoys were discussed, no changes were agreed to however several members volunteered (Randy Wells, David Mugrage, Bob Stanley) to help anyone put in a buoy that needed help.

Financial reportclick here

Well Water report - click here

Wells are working and have been tested with “Good” results quarterly.


Eric Fensterer thanked everyone for attending.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 6:45 PM

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