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08.21.2022 - HOA BOARD MEETING

Writer's picture: lakeviewpointenclakeviewpointenc


1. Headcount and proxies were a total of 27, enough to carry a quorum.

2. Welcomed our new members.

3. Reviewed old business.

4. Todd Bell and John Hamel reviewed financials.

5. As a group we decided to stop the raffle secondary to our need for income concerning our water situation.

6. Chris Vaughn gave an update on our water situation and options....well verse water tank vs waiting to see if grants come through. We have decided to sit and see what fall and winter bring.

7. Noah's landing will add winter snow removal into its services as well as cleaning out driveways when requested by the homeowner.

8. Reviewed Cathy's letter and pictures of a dead tree leaning over our monument..

8. New Board Members elected.

VP- John Hartman, 3-year term

Board Member- Dave Mugrage(replacing Randy Wells), 1-year term

Treasurer- Todd Bell and John Hamel, 1-year term.

Russell Buchanan remains as president for 2 more years.

Big thank you to Cathy Green and Richard Faulkner for their service on the board.

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